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Two In The Shirt

Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's hard to save money, when you can look so fresh!

What'up America.
If you hadn't heard, it was another shopping day.
That means for the past 3 weeks, I have boughten at least 1 pair of shoes.
Today we went to Seattle for the Sonics ass whopping, but some good came out of it. I bought a pair of Nikes, my first set up Alifes and my first Alife shirt. It was a helluva Alife day.

And here are some of the other purchases within the past 3 weeks.
Not counting the first 2 shoes.



Sweet Lips said...

Shoe game is lookin just ridiculous, you hurtin they feelins playboi, in the last month how much have you dropped??

Jewfacekilla said...

looking fresh captain-i like the paris one