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Two In The Shirt

Monday, August 10, 2009

The New Epidemic – The Asian “Gangsta” Invasion

Yes, indeed this has been an ongoing problem, but a problem the public continues to ignore. More of an identity crisis than anything, but an annoying one at that. Now I am not talking about the triads or the yakuza, hence the spelling of the word “gangster,” but this is directed more towards the identified problems of the early 90s with the white boys who acted black, but instead the perpetrators are from land a little more farther East.

Now this by no means a bashing to the asian race, but more of an informative piece on an unresolved issue. More and more I see Asians driving “import” cars (Hondas, Hyundais, etc), listening to rap music and dropping the n word non-stop. Now as weird as it might sound, I am far less disturbed when I hear a white person say the n word than an asian. This can be for many reasons, perhaps this word is programmed in the genes of the Anglo Saxons from the days of slavery, and it’s just a part of their vocabulary (like “pancakes” or “apple juice”), but whatever the reason, it has no relation for Asians to say. I think many people don’t make a big deal of this when a “gangsta” of Asian heritage says this derogatory term because they feel that Asians aren’t a real threat to where they have to prove their masculinity or pride by standing up to them. I have heard on numerous accounts that African Americans use this word to try to “take it back.” Personally I think this is some of the stupidest s*** I have heard, but whatever the case, Asians should just replace the n-word in their vocabulary with “gook,” “chink” or “zipper head” (thanks to Clint Eastwood for the last one.) Granted that some of the previous terms only refer to certain types of Asian nationalities, you can just play it off like the Africans, Haitians, or other “non-African Americans” who don’t take offense to the n-word because they aren’t African American. (And for those of you who fall in that category, news flash, the racist idiots who use these derogatory terms towards you are too ignorant to know what race you are, all they see is a suspicious black person)

So I’ll break this down into the 2 types of Asians that usually fall under this “gangsta” category. You have the cumsucker Asian gangstas. (I couldn’t really think of another term, so until it’s replaced, I will just use this one.) Pretty much, the cumsucker Asian gangsta leaches of his dad (cuntsucker if he milks the mom too) for money, but at the same time he feels the need to rebel from the well-off to luxurious lifestyle that his parents have provided for him. Usually the parents are “stereotypical” Asians, they are smart, polite, have a heavy accent, and are rich. Of course, the son doesn’t want to seem like a punk bitch, so he listens to rap music, buys an import (either asian or European) and acts a fool. A damn shame to fuck up such a nice thing.

On the other end of the spectrum you have the “Heights” Asian gangsta. Now I grew up with these cats, and I must admit, I am a little envious of their lifestyle. Now he feels that the system has treated him badly, and he must rebel to show his worth. Now this is some of the stupidest shit I have ever heard, so let me explain to you “the hard life” of living in “the heights” aka Kirkland Heights. Kirkland Heights is for some unknown reason to me, known as the ghetto. And if this is the case, hands down it is by far one of the nicest ghettos in the world. But let’s breakdown this loophole in the system that our taxpayer dollars go into paying for this nearly rent-free apartment complex. There is less crime than you would see at any other apartment complex it’s size, the apartments get painted every few years, I’m not even sure if you have to pay for utilities, there are 2 basketball courts, a playground, a shitload of parking, and the apartments themselves are nice, and more than half of them are two stories. But the part that takes the cake is the cars…Oh the cars. Because the rent is virtually zero, I have seen numerous WRXs, BMWs, Mercedes Benzs, and the list goes on. If I lived there, I believe I could easily pull a Lambo within 5 years (or at least a Porsche) and not even have to worry about it getting stolen, because the bark is definitely worst than the bite in the hype department over there. And for those who say that I better be careful what I wish for, because I am sure to be jacked, look at it this way. Who would really want to give up living conditions like that, not only for themselves, but their family, by trying to do something as stupid as hijacking a car? Just imagine the repercussions that would occur. Not only would I beat their ass, but the government would too for fucking up such a wonderful thing that they are receiving, their family for getting evicted from “the heavens” of the apartment game, and the rest of the neighborhood for possibly leading to “the projects” getting closed down for being a waste of taxpayer dollars for housing criminals. Nah son, I don’t think so.

To sum up, I feel like this is something that won’t go away, at least not anytime soon. Just like racism, that won’t go away anytime soon either. Racism is in everyone’s blood, even if it’s just 1%, and I hate people who say they aren’t racist. (But getting into rather or not everyone is racist debate will have to be a future segment on here, so stay tuned) So I am an all equal opportunity racist (racist to all groups equally), so I look at this problem as one where you need to take it in baby steps. The African American population (or I guess all black people in general) got a huge win when we became the second most hated/feared group in the world, right behind the terrorists. (Of course it doesn’t help when the public can’t tell us apart) And we also got a black president in the “White” House (with a slightly terrorist-sounding name some might say), who remains standing and in good health. Overall I see change occurring for the better, but as long as it’s the young white youth being the number one paying customers to Rap CDs, black artists are sending out a message that it’s okay for all audiences to use the N-word.

1 comment:

arthur said...

lol at dr. chow.. "helloooo gay....boy"