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Two In The Shirt

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Last Stand

YO, it's your boy coming live and direct from...his room.
I know, I know, if your a lady, it's a place you dream of coming to, but to be honest, this bitch is messy right now. In fact let, me take some pics.

I know what your thinking America, that last picture ain't looking so bad, and if I had a view like that out my window, shit, I could keep my place that dirty. But the truth is, the first one was from the 2 night, $700 hotel with Manami, and the last picture is a pretty small section of the room.

Speaking of Manami, I'm done with that. I used to give her a message a day for kindness purporses, despite never getting a response back. Why you ask, because I told her I would. But than I find out yesterday that she responded talked to Anthony yesterday, and I was like ....ok....So you got time to talk to him on messenger, but you ain't got time to respond on a text. So now your boy is contemplating on how to answer this issue. I can't simply end this phone messaging service without sending her one last goodbye, that's just not kind.


Sorry I haven't had a chance to email you the past week or two. To be honest, I don't think you have had time to read them because you have been so busy, or you have just been deleting them, because you don't want to read them. I heard that you talked to Anthony a few days ago, so I think that I am being a distraction in your life right now, so when you have free time, and you feel like talking to me again, you can send me an email. If I don't ever talk to you again, thank you for everything, and continue to do your best! Please know that I will continue to always support you, and be here to help you if you ever need me!


I just whipped that up on the right quick America. I know, your boy gots skills. Maybe I said too much, or not enough, but the balls in her court, and I'm Dwight Howard. So she better bring her A game.


So I get an email yesterday at 2:20AM. From, guess who, yeah, you already know. You should already remember what I wrote to her, so this is her response:

"thank you for your reading those everyday.have a good night!"

Now how hard was it to say that? Too little, too late baby girl. Your boy be feelin someone else already, and I'm even questioning the extent of this friendship. Anyways, I have yet to respond to this message, and I am playing a little JaMarcus Russel right now, and holdin' out.

Feel me?


Darkness Out


Sweet Lips said...

Wow thats all she said?? I dont know about you but it left me wanting to see more.. I think from at least what i heard you were a nice dude to her, i mean i even saw it with my eyes folks the dude would not sleep and stay up just so he can talk to baby mama, maybe an explanation as to y she just cut off contact just like a lightswitch, i mean it wasnt like you wayne brady'd a b u feel me??

A Town of K Town said...

Much appreciated on the feedback son.
Things get a little more complicated with the other FORMER student I like. I will probably make a post on it here sometime soon. Ionno, lets say...Now

A Town of K Town said...

i agree with sweet lips that its crazy she only said that. Seemed like once ma wasn't going to be getting her emails she decided to say something. and if its going to be a friendship, i think she needs to reach out to you first sometimes or at least show some more when she responds.